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At Golden Sands Hotel Sharjah, we have stepped up our precautionary measures since the COVID-19 outbreak began as the safety of our guests and employees is paramount to us.

As a partner, we would like to keep you informed on what measures we have been implementing and how are we keeping Golden Sands Hotel Sharjah a safe place to stay and work.

Some highlights from the measures taken are:

  • Since February 2020, we have selected highly qualified members to create an Emergency Response Team in charge of creating awareness across the organization, educating employees of all levels on the best precautionary practices at work as well as at home/accommodation, planning and implementing new procedures where needed to maintain the hygiene of our properties, as well as attending to any related emergency needs.

  • We have implemented all updated procedures issued by the government entities in regards to safe food handling.

  • We have been following all recommendations in regards to social distancing of staff on premises, during transportation and on campus.

  • Hand sanitizers placed at guest contact areas, such as lobbies.

  • Provision of medical masks, gloves and sanitizers at all times for our food handling employees.

  • Our employees are fully aware on how to perform their day to day tasks safely.

  • Regular training of our employees ensuring proper hygiene and regular circulation of updates and reminders through different channels on the latest COVID-19 updates and guidelines provided by the World Health Organization and local health authorities.

  • Finally, we have rejected numerous offers to use some of our properties as quarantine accommodation, to maintain the safety of our employees first, and the standards of our properties second.


The safety of our guests is of immense concern to us. Please take a few moments to familiarize yourself with the emergency procedures as outlined below.


Our hotel conducts periodic fire drills for the safety of employees and guests alike. Should a fire drill be scheduled during the time of your stay, you will be informed at the time of check-in or through a letter.

If you were not notified of a scheduled fire drill, please take each audible or visual alarm as a sign of emergency. Intermittent alarm is for warning. Continuously ringing alarm is for evacuation.


In all our guest rooms, you will find a fire exit plan posted on the back of the guest room door. Please familiarize yourself with the exact location of your room as well as the way to the nearest emergency exit.

Our hotel is equipped with smoke and heat detectors, sprinkler systems, wet riser hose reel system and fire extinguishers for your safety. Should you detect a fire, please contact the Front Desk immediately by pressing the icon on your room telephone.

The hotel’s public address system will warn you in English & Arabic in addition to visual alert for people of determination in case of emergencies, fire drills or real evacuation. (Note. Visual alerts will not work during fire drills).

Should the fire alarm ring, please exercise care before leaving the room. Feel your guest room door. If the door is too hot to touch, do not open the door, but remain in the room and contact the Front Desk immediately. 

(NOTE: we have an accessible phone for people of determination at the front desk, it can be ordered in advance for installation in the room).

Should you leave the room in case of a fire in the hotel, please do not open any windows. When leaving the room in case of an emergency, do so quickly and calmly.


In case of an emergency, please do not use the elevators. Please take the nearest escape route as laid out on your room’s emergency evacuation plan. Please proceed to the hotel’s assembly point which is located in the rear car park.


An in-room electronic safe has been provided for your use. Please familiarize yourself with the safe operation prior to closing the safe door. The hotel cannot be held responsible for valuables left in rooms as well as safe boxes. However, it is recommended to keep cash and valuables in your room’s safe box.


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